Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Something has to be Done...

Well, life with out the castle is really relaxing, and I have all this time on my hands 
to read books, sit around the house and dream of what I want it to look like.  
I've been spending time with my grandma "Maw Dee" 
(which I totally love by the way!).
I go to the coffee shop....  WAITTTT
what happened to all the scrapbooking and projects I was planning on doing, 
cleaning out the basement, and um well even keeping the house clean,
oh yea and I should probably get some laundry done tooo.  
So it is time for a new CHORE CHART yeahhhh.

I seem to be lost without a list and 
sometimes writing the same things over and over just gets old
(that's the creative brain thing)
So, I made this chart for the everyday things that I should be doing
and decided to get the whole family in on it tooo, 
(that way I don't have to yell and scream  ask anyone to take the trash out)
I got the frame at k-mart. It has plastic instead of a glass.
(glass would work too, but for the kids and weight I went with the plastic)
Then you can just use a dry erase marker to cross off the chore! How awesome is that?
It only takes a little bit of math to get the size of the squares just right.
I left off Sunday so that I could fit everything on evenly, plus a day of rest is always good
I forgot to leave room for the names so I added them down the side of the first day,
it actually worked great, happy accidents ya know.
just type up the chores and leave room to cut them apart.
I used the paper that came with the frame and just glued the layers onto it.
remember there is about 1/4 inch edge that gets covered up by the frame.
Maybe now I will get something done...(ha hah maybe)

Lots of Love,


  1. I absolutely love this idea! I'm going to have to try this one!

  2. Thank you for sharing Ashley. You are sooo creative. Miss u much and hope to make one of the upcoming crops when I start feeling better :)

  3. Wow Ashley I really need to update my blog and web site Don’t go there till the week end please I LOVE LOVE the bulletin board DO I Hear the faint cry of Hold a CLASS HOLD A CLASS…All my love Mary Ellen


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