Monday, June 27, 2011

Can I buy a vowel? (wooded letters)

Wow, so okay, have you ever just come up blank for a gift idea? I mean I have a bazillion ideas running around in my head, but when it comes to my awesome sister in law, I always just get brain freeze!!!
She is a great person and so fun, and maybe I just want to things to be perfect! I always stress about if the person is going to love the gifts I make for them!!! So, I just asked her what she wanted for her babies, YES I said BABIES plural!!! Yep another set of twins in the Family. I am oooh sooo excited! So, baby shower a few days away and she was so excited to tell me she wanted decorated letters!!! I swear I could see her jump up and down over the phone (ha ha)! Love you Jen! I found my saw under all the mess in the garage and set out to cut out the letters.  Yep I cut the wood out myself :)  So, two sets of names and several days later and a trip to micheal's (I had NOOOO purple flowers). and here they are...

When I got home the purple was the wrong color, so I used acrylic paint for paper (less water content) and just painted them the right shade of purple, the hardest part was waiting for the paint to dry before decorated the rest. I am kinda impatient.

the frames with words in them are actually paper pockets, so that she could add pictures, but if she doesn't have time to do that, I don't know why she wouldn't ya know with twins and all, they won't be blank.

Lots of Love,

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