Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Everything is going to be OK #8

I know I went out of order with this one, 
but I wasn't sure I was going to share it.
It is very meaningful to me, and close to my heart.
I have always felt like such a positive person. 
I always try to find the goodness God has placed on this earth.
Sometimes, you really have to let God lead you.
We don't always feel like sunshines and rainbows. God never promised us that.
The world is full of pain and sorrow, but you don't have to be stuck in those feelings.
You can let the goodness of God's light shine through you 
so that others can see the rainbow.

Sometimes, you are what other people need.
Remember that, and be their rainbow.
When I started this piece, it was really dark, and sad.
I worked on it in moments of torment and pain.
But I know that pain will go and I will remain.
I want to be that girl, that rainbow girl.
I did not want to leave this piece with despair, but with hope.
So, I added the girl, the girl that shines with a light wherever she is.
No matter how dark and scary the world may become, she is hope.

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Can Sew!

Even though I didn't blog much in Dec. I still worked on a few projects! 
I was all prepared to do a great tutorial on the new stockings I made! 
I even took the before pictures! I know, I always get to excited to make a project,
 and forget the before pics. This time I did it, but can you believe
 I can not find the pics anywhere!!!
So, you just get the finished project! hahahh!

I bought shirts, from goodwill and made new Christmas Stockings!
It was so much fun, and a little frustrating, but I did it! and love it!
What do you think?

 When I found this little red dress, I knew the fabric was perfect for a stocking!
and the green with little white polka dots was just tooo sweet!

This one is Logan's, he wanted to make sure it was not girly at all!

Okay, so honestly, I was down to the day before Christmas Eve, 
and Had to get this one done.  I rushed it a bit, but I still like it! 

Hope you enjoyed this fun little project!

Lots of Love,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Everything is going to be OK #9 & #10

I have always loved "Wish Flowers" that's what the kids call them. 
 It is so much fun to close your eyes, blow the flower, and make a wish. 
 Opening your eyes and being surrounded by hundreds of possibilities floating all around you,
 makes your heart beat a little faster.  You wonder if your wish will make it to 
wherever wishes go to be granted and you hope and dream.

So here is just a little reassurance that your dreams can come true, 
and that you can make it happen.  

The word wishes is in chipboard with glitter! that makes it so, well magical!
I had so much fun with this one! hope you like it too!

Sometimes, when we feel like there is not a new idea to be found, 
even in our little pinky finger, I want you to remember....

~You Have a Creative Soul ~
Just Know that God made you who you are.
and that is all that you Need.

God knows your Heart and your Soul, 
He is in control, and he gave you your Talents and Gifts.

Have a Beautiful Day~
Lots of Love,

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Creative Night Out!

Can you believe I have not posted in a month! 
That is often how December goes.

You know what that means don't you?
it is the Second Friday of the month
and time to get out and socialize 
with friends who also love to create!

Hope to see you there!
Lots of Love,