Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Go for the Layers

Okay, so maybe it's the rainy cold day, or maybe it's what I do 
ya know to get into scrappin mood,  
but what ever the reason, I love layers!!!
All of these patterns came together in the cosmo cricket packet.
So, it was really easy to put this page together!

 I am just drawn to the cute little birds! 
But I did not want to do the typical friends page
"Birds of a feather..." and all so I just had fun with it.

 I do not have any pictures yet, but that is okay, 
I can put any pictures I want on this page.
It is just fun and the colors are soft but the contrast is great.
I could always add some big letters to personalize it for 
whatever the specific pictures I do pick. 

Lots of Love,


  1. Love Love your Layout I like the birdies too Blessings Mary Ellen

  2. This is cute! I think I still have this paper. That I bought from you. LOL



Thanks so much! I love hearing from you!!!
It makes me smile!