I know I went out of order with this one,
but I wasn't sure I was going to share it.
It is very meaningful to me, and close to my heart.
I have always felt like such a positive person.
I always try to find the goodness God has placed on this earth.
Sometimes, you really have to let God lead you.
We don't always feel like sunshines and rainbows. God never promised us that.
The world is full of pain and sorrow, but you don't have to be stuck in those feelings.
You can let the goodness of God's light shine through you
so that others can see the rainbow.
Sometimes, you are what other people need.
Remember that, and be their rainbow.
When I started this piece, it was really dark, and sad.
I worked on it in moments of torment and pain.
But I know that pain will go and I will remain.
I want to be that girl, that rainbow girl.
I did not want to leave this piece with despair, but with hope.
So, I added the girl, the girl that shines with a light wherever she is.
No matter how dark and scary the world may become, she is hope.
Lots of Love,